Naming Conventions In Code
My notes on Code naming conventions
My Top Concurrency Posts
My notes on queuing tasks up and making things concurrent in swift
Dispatchqueue In Swift
My notes on DispatchQueue in swift
My Top Software Structure Posts
My top software structure posts
Nsoperationqueue In Swift
My notes on queuing things with NSOperationQueue in swift
Responsive Autolayout
My notes on making responsive layouts with auto-layout
Assets In Spm
Add assets to SPM
Swift Lint
Notes on swift lint
Making A Product Website
My notes on building a product website
Universal Xcode And Terminal Unit Test
My notes on making unit tests that works in xCode and terminal
Git Lfs
Notes on git lfs
10 Reasons To Write Unit Tests In Xcode
My notes on why we should write unit tests
Increasing Performance In Swift
My notes on performance in swift
How To Turn On Xcode Optimizations
My notes on xcode optimizations
How To Measuring Performance In Swift
My notes on measuring cpu performance in swift code
How To Do Concurrency In Swift
My notes on distributing tasks to multiple cpu cores
How To Present On Google Hangout
My notes on how to present a presentation on google meet
Add Slack To Github
My notes on adding github repo or organisation activities to a slack channel
Adding An Ios Project To Github Actions
My notes on github actions and iOS Xcode project
Implementing Darkmode For Ios And Macos
Notes made while researching various ways to do darkmode in iOS
Custom Alert View
Notes on custom UIAlertController
Jekyll And Markdown Tutorial
This tutorial describes how to make a Jekyll + Markdown website and host it for free on github
How To Include Assets With Swift Package Manager
My notes on using bundle assets with SPM
Github Repo Check List
My check-list when creating a Swift module / framework / project
Concurrent Perform
My notes on Parallel Execution
Spm And Github Action
My notes on using swift package manager and Github actions together
Spm Tips
My notes on SPM
Reducing Code Complexity
My notes on reducing complexity in swift architectures.
My notes on NSCache
My notes on semaphores
My notes on NSOperation
Dispatch Work Item
My notes on DispatchWorkItem
Debounce Method Calls
My note on debouncing method calls
Swift Architectures
My notes on different swift architectures
Using Static Methods
My notes on static methods
Result Type Tricks
My notes on the Swift Result type
Making Sketch Assets For Xcode
My notes on using sketch to make and add vector graphics to xCode projects
Parsing Array Hierarchy
My notes on parsing a data hierarchy when UITesting.
My notes on adding localization to an iOS app
Ui Testing Framework
My notes on setting up a UI-testing-framework
Json Parsing From File
My notes on parsing vanilla json from a local file with Codable
Scripting With Sketch
My notes on scripting with sketch
Automating App Store Screenshots
My notes on automating screenshots for the app store
Ui Testing In Ios
My notes on UI-testing in Xcode
Compression Resistance Priority Autolayout
My notes on Compression, resistance, priority when using AutoLayout
Commenting Code
My notes on different commenting styles for swift
Programmatic Mac App
My notes on programatic macOS app
Modular Programming
My notes on modular programming
A Case For Programmatic Autolayout
Pros and cons of programatic AutoLayout
Maintainability And Readability In Swift
My notes on writing maintainable and readable swift code