Equatable Protocol
My notes on the Equatable protocol in swift
Hand Cursor On Hover
Drop this code into any subclass of NSView, to enable the hand cursor
Dynamic Class Types In Swift
Here is a pure swift implementation of dynamic class types. It does require the classes to extend the same protocol.
Swift Doesn't Do Named Capturing Groups In Regexp
But if you combine a swift enum with RegExp matches and add ($n ) to your capture groups you can simulate named capturing groups.
A Better Drawing Routine For Quartz
In order to support GradientLine it was necessary to go all the way down to the core , namely Quartz which is part of CoreGraphics. So currently implementing a routine to support GradientLine Directly.
Drawing A Gradient Line In Osx
There are a couple of ways to do it
Swift Event Research
Delegation vs NsNotificationCenter vs Custom Event system