How to measuring performance in swift

My notes on measuring cpu performance in swift code

Measuring how long a function takes to finish

Great for quick tests, or tests with callbacks

let readTime: Date = .init()
sleep(2.2) // simulating doing heavy task
abs(readTime.timeIntervalSinceNow) // 2.2000

Great for testing how long a closure takes to finish

print(TimeMeasure.timeElapsed { sleep(2.2) }) // 2.20000
print(TimeMeasure.timeElapsed { sleep(2.2); return 0 }.time) // 2.20000
print(TimeMeasure.timeElapsed { sleep(2.2); return 0 }.value) // 0 (retrieves the value)
let (val, time): (String, Double) = TimeMeasure.timeElapsed {
	sleep(2.2); return "abc"
print(val) // abc
print(time) // 2.20000