
My notes on NSOperationOperations can render assistance in concurrency

  • The NSOperationQueue adds a number of benefits.
  • For example, you can specify the maximum number of queued operations that can run simultaneously.
  • This makes it easy to control how many operations run at the same time or to create a serial operation queue


let operation = NSBlockOperation(block: { () -> Void in
    // Do Something

Concurrent queue (2 items at the same time)

let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 2
let operation1 = BlockOperation(block: {
operation1.qualityOfService = .userInitiated
let operation2 = BlockOperation(block: {
operation1.completionBlock = {
operation2.completionBlock = {


Subclassing NSOperation (Adding more functionality)

class AsynchronousOperation: Operation {
   enum State: String {
      case Ready
      case Executing
      case Finished
      private var keyPath: String {
         get {
            return "is" + self.rawValue
   var state: State = .Ready {
      willSet {
         willChangeValue(forKey: newValue.rawValue)
         willChangeValue(forKey: newValue.rawValue)
      didSet {
         didChangeValue(forKey: oldValue.rawValue)
         didChangeValue(forKey: oldValue.rawValue)
   override var isAsynchronous: Bool {
      return true
   override var isExecuting: Bool {
      return state == .Executing
   override var isFinished: Bool {
      return state == .Finished
   override func start() {
      if self.isCancelled {
         state = .Finished
      } else {
         state = .Ready
   override func main() {
      if self.isCancelled {
         state = .Finished
      } else {
         state = .Executing
         //Asynchronous logic (eg: n/w calls) with callback {