My notes on Subclassing with generics
class Card<T: CardDataKind>: UIView {
* When you set the data diferent UI's are updated
var data: T?
protocol CardDataKind {/*Add required variables here, if needed*/}
struct TopCardData: CardDataKind {
let title: String
let content: String
struct MiddleCardData: CellDataKind {
let content: String
let date: Date
struct BottomCardData: CellDataKind {
let title: String
class TopCard:Card<TopCardData> {
lazy var dateLabel: UILabel = createDateLabel()
lazy var contentLable: UITextView = createContentLabel()
* When you set the data different UI's are updated
override var data: TopCardData? {
didSet {
guard let data: TopCardData = data else { fatalError("data not available") }
titleLabel.text = data.title
contentLable.text = data.content
let card: TopCard = .init()) = TopCardData(title: "Some title", content: "Some content goes here")
Final note:
This subclassing with generics also works with UITableView cell dequeuing and registering. See example in the FlowLayout project: