Nested enum

My notes on nested enums and how you can use them to navigate UI.

Basic example:

enum State {
     enum Normal {
         case search
         case idle
     case normal(Normal)
     case hidden
  * Set state
	* ## Examples:
	* setState(.normal(.idle)) // 🤷
	* setState(.normal(.search)) // 🚀
	* setState(.hidden) // 🤦
 func setState(_ state: State){
     switch state {
     case .normal(let normal):
         switch normal {
         case .idle:
         case .search:
     case .hidden:

Another example:


  • MainView has ContainerView and NavView
  • Nav.swift stores the current ViewType state in a static var
import Foundation

enum ViewType {
    case receive
    enum Send{
        case clipboard(String)
        case file(String)
        // case current // don't change state, use the one that it is right now
    case send(Send)
 * In charge of the state of the app
struct Nav {
     * Initial state of the app
    private static let defaultViewType: ViewType = {
        let testURL:String = Bundle.main.resourcePath! + "/temp.bundle/" + "test.txt"
        let viewType = Nav.ViewType.send(.file(testURL))
        return viewType
    static var curViewType: ViewType = Nav.defaultViewType
 * Accessor
extension MainView {
     * Sets the viewState of NavBar and the Container
    func setViewState(viewType: Nav.ViewType){
 * ContainerView
extension ContainerView {
     * Sets the subview of the container
    public func setViewState(viewType: Nav.ViewType) {
        if let curSubView = self.curSubView { curSubView.removeFromSuperview() } /*Remove it if it exists*/
        self.curSubView = {
            switch viewType {
            case .receive:
                return createReceiveView()
            case .send/*(let sendType)*/:/*Main*/
                return createSendView(/*viewType:viewType*/)
 * NavigationView
extension NavView {
     * Sets active tab
    public func setViewState(viewType:Nav.ViewType) {
        switch viewType {
        case .receive:
        case .send:

Event code:

 * Operational
extension NavView{
     * New
    @objc func onButtonPress(target: AnyObject?){
        if target === receiveBtn {
            Nav.curViewType = .receive
        }else if target === sendBtn {
            Nav.curViewType = .send(.clipboard("the current clipboard blablabla"))
        parent.setViewState(Nav.curViewType)/*Calls the MainView and it sets children's state*/