Launching multiple tasks in the background and returning the result as they arrive in an orderly fashion:
var arr:[(i:Int,s:String,result:String)] = [(0,"a",""),(1,"b",""),(2,"c",""),(3,"d","")]
var i:Int = 0
func onComplete(/*_ idx:Int,_ result:String*/){
i += 1
Swift.print("onComplete: " + "\(i)")
if(i == arr.count){
Swift.print("all concurrent tasks completed")
Swift.print("arr: " + "\(arr)")//[(0, "a", "0a"), (1, "b", "1b"), (2, "c", "2c"), (3, "d", "3d")]
for i in arr.indices {
bgQueue.async {
let res:String = arr[i].i.string + arr[i].s
mainQueue.async {
arr[i].result = res//assinging of values must happen on mainThread
DispatchGroup and DispatchWorkItem
A must if you also need to cancel your async tasks:
Threading 1 0n 1:
Awesome guy:웃 Made a 15min video about Threading in swift 3 just for me:
Async vs sync:
Synchronous means that thread that initiated that operation will wait for the task to finish before continuing.
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
Asynchronous means that Completes a task in background and can notify you when complete means it will not wait.
DispatchQueue.main.async {