My notes on Swift package manager + XCode + Nested frameworks
Let’s make an awesome HackerNewsApp in 2 days. For that you need to be modular and re-use other peoples code. We need AlamoFire for http, SwiftJSON for json and Element for GUI.
Nested frameworks
The chain of dependencies looks like this: Its only 3 level deep: (It can go deeper if needed)
Inside your Package.swift file you write this:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "HackerNews",
dependencies: [
/*Downloads Element + swift-utils*/
.Package(url: "", Version(0, 0, 0, prereleaseIdentifiers: ["alpha", "5"])),
/*Downloads AlamoFire*/
.Package(url: "",MajorVersion:4,minor:3),
/*Downloads SwiftyJSON*/
.Package(url: "",MajorVersion:3,minor:1)
Where is the swift-utils dependency you might ask? When you download Element SPM will also look inside a Package.swift file that is in the Element repo on github. And automatically start downloading the swift-utils dependency.
- Terminal:
cd dev/HackerNews
- Terminal:
swift package init
👈 Creates boilerplate Package.swift etc - Replace the content inside HackerNews/Package.swift with the code written in the Manifest paragraph
- Terminal:
swift build
👈 Downloads and builds all the dependencies. - Terminal:
swift package generate-xcodeproj
👈 Creates .xcodeproj - Follow my Tutorial on how to Create an SPM App project from a SPM created .xcodeproj file
- Once you have your first “Hello world” going. Start adding some innovative UX ideas to your App project.
- Need to update dependencies or add new ones? Just edit your Package.swift file and Terminal:
swift build
- To add your app project to Github all you do is make a new project on and add a .gitignore file that ignores /.build, /Tests,/ Packages and .xcodeproj. Then you can stay in-sync with other team-members etc.
Final word
I would love to include some HackNewsApp Example code. And I plan to. Until then you have to figure out how to use AlamoFire, Element and SwiftyJSON your self. At least now you have a basic foundation on how to start making Apps with SPM. Nested frameworks are sometimes referred to as: “subdependency”