Notes on implementing two finger swipe for macOS
In your NSView:
var twoFingersTouches:[String:NSTouch]?/*temp storage for the twoFingerTouches data*/
override func touchesBegan(with event:NSEvent) {
twoFingersTouches = GestureUtils.twoFingersTouches(self, event)
override func touchesMoved(with event:NSEvent) {
let swipeType:SwipeType = GestureUtils.swipe(self, event, twoFingersTouches)
if (swipeType == .right){
Swift.print("swipe right")
}else if(swipeType == .left){
Swift.print("swipe left")
The Reusable Utility code:
enum SwipeType{/*Two finger swipe type*/
case left,right,none
class GestureUtils{
* To avoid duplicate code we could extract the content of this method into an GestureUtils method. Return nil if there isn't 2 touches and set the array only if != nil
static func twoFingersTouches(_ view:NSView, _ event:NSEvent)->[String:NSTouch]?{
var twoFingersTouches:[String:NSTouch]? = nil//NSMutualDictionary was used before and didn't require casting id to string, revert if side-effects manifest
if(event.type == NSEventType.gesture){// could maybe be: EventTypeBeginGesture
let touches:Set<NSTouch> = event.touches(matching:NSTouchPhase.any, in: view)//touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseAny inView:self
if(touches.count == 2){
twoFingersTouches = [String:NSTouch]()
for touch in touches {//
//Swift.print("id: "+"\((touch as! NSTouch).identity)")
twoFingersTouches!["\((touch).identity)"] = touch/*assigns each touch to the identity of the same touch*///was [ setObject: forKey:];
return twoFingersTouches
* Detects 2 finger (left/right) swipe gesture
* NOTE: either of 3 enums is returned: .leftSwipe, .rightSwipe .none
* TODO: also make up and down swipe detectors, and do more research into how this could be done easier. Maybe you even have some clues in the notes about gestures etc.
* Conceptually:
* 1. Record 2 .began touchEvents
* 2. Record 2 .ended touchEvents
* 3. Measure the distance between .began and .ended and assert if it is within threshold
static func swipe(_ view:NSView, _ event:NSEvent, _ twoFingersTouches:[String:NSTouch]?) -> SwipeType{
let endingTouches:Set<NSTouch> = event.touches(matching: NSTouchPhase.ended, in: view)
if(endingTouches.count > 0 && twoFingersTouches != nil){
let beginningTouches:[String:NSTouch] = twoFingersTouches!/*copy the twoFingerTouches data*/
var magnitudes:[CGFloat] = []/*magnitude definition: the great size or extent of something.*/
for endingTouch in endingTouches {
let beginningTouch:NSTouch? = beginningTouches["\(endingTouch.identity)"]
if (beginningTouch == nil) {continue}//skip if endingTouch doesn't have a matching beginningTouch
let magnitude:CGFloat = endingTouch.normalizedPosition.x - beginningTouch!.normalizedPosition.x
var sum:CGFloat = 0
for magnitude in magnitudes{
sum += magnitude
let absoluteSum:CGFloat = abs(sum)/*force value to be positive*/
let kSwipeMinimumLength:CGFloat = 0.1
if (absoluteSum < kSwipeMinimumLength) {return .none}/*Assert if the absolute sum is long enough to be considered a complete gesture*/
if (sum > 0){
return .right
}else /*if(sum < 0)*/{
return .left
return .none/*no swipe direction detected*/