When do you write throws methods and when do you write methods that return optional. What makes you decide to go for throwing methods? I see some people on github write throwing methods everywhere and others use them less frequently.
Here is a simple way to throw errors from your methods. You can later refactor to use enums when your code is in a more production ready state.
extension String: Error {} /*Enables you to throw a string*/
extension String: LocalizedError { /*Adds error.localizedDescription to Error instances*/
public var errorDescription: String? { return self }
func test(color: NSColor) throws{
if color == .red {
throw "I don't like red"
} else if color == .green {
throw "I'm not into green"
} else {
throw "I like all other colors"
do {
try test(color: .green)
} catch let error where error.localizedDescription == "I don't like red"{
Swift.print ("Error: \(error)")//"I don't like red"
}catch let error {
Swift.print ("Other cases: Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")/*I like all other colors*/
You can also simply do throw NSError(description: "Uh oh, an error happened", code: 0)